How Computers Work: The 1s And 0s

This is still a draft


Computers are amazing. From the simpliest Notes app on your phone to the incredible systems used to put robot helicopters on Mars, they power our world. And, most amazingly, they do everything with nothing more than a bunch of {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} and {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} .

This is the story of how that works.

Where It All Starts

A Toggle Switch

Before we talk about the 1s and 0s, let's look at a light switch. It has two positions: {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} and {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} . Clicking or tapping the switch flips it back and forth between the two positions.

Try it and see.

a light switch in the off position

By the way, a formal name for that flipping back and forth is "toggle" (e.g. if we toggle the switch when it's in the OFF position it gets turned ON. Toggling it while it's ON turns it OFF). We'll be using that word a lot in this post.

Adding Some Light

A switch that isn't connected to anything isn't a lot of use. Let's connect ours to a light. Now clicking the switch toggles the light on and off too.

a light switch in the off position with a light bulb above it that's not illuminated

Switching Between Things

Of course, our switch doesn't have to control a light. It could control a fan, a garbage disposal, or an air conditioner. Anything that needs to be turned off and on.

Instead of turning something off and on, we could also use the switch to toggle back and forth between two things. For example, we could have the switch control an "Open/Closed" sign for a shop.

Toggling this switch ON shows the "Open" sign. Toggling it OFF changes the sign to "Closed".

a light switch in the off position with a closed sign above it

A Little Bit Of Data

Instead of a sign that says "Open" or "Closed", let's attach a sign with a number on it. When the switch is OFF, the number will be "0". When the switch is On, the number will be "1".

a light switch in the off position with a number zero above it

We'll be using this exact setup for the rest of this post. The 0s and 1s will become little bits of data that we combine with each other to do useful things. So, lets call each switch and its number a "bit".

And, believe it or not, that's all we need to make a computer.

Imaginary Computers

Laying The Groundwork

We'll be making a bunch of imaginary computers as illustrations. Each one will have two parts:

  • a {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} area which shows what we'd see in the real world

  • a {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} area that represents the inside of the computer that we wouldn't normally be able to see. We'll be using it to store {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %}

Computers don't have brains. The way they "remember" things is by toggling microscopic {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} inside themselves that they can check later when they need to look up information. That's the reason we're calling the area "Memory". The rest of this post is dedicated to explaining how that works.

Our First Computer

To get started, here's a computer with a button on the Screen that doesn't do anything and without any {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in the Memory. There's nothing useful about it other than showing us what our illustrations are going to look like.

Our First Bit

Now, let's make a computer that does something. This one has a single {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in its Memory. Since this is an Imaginary Computer, we could click the switch to toggle the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} directly in the Memory even though it's "inside" the computer. But, let's set it up more like a real world computer and add a "Toggle Bit" button on the Screen that we'll use to do the toggling.

Give it a shot to test it out.

Seeing The Bit

We can see our {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in the Memory of our Imaginary Computer, but, since it's "inside" the computer, we wouldn't be able to see it in the real world. So, let's show the current number for the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} beside the button on the Screen as well.

Now, when we click the "Toggle Bit" button we see the displayed value on the Screen change as well as the actual {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in Memory:

A Second Bit

We can store more than one {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in our computer's Memory.

Let's add another one connected to another button and label the bit/button pairs "A" and "B" so we can keep track of what's connected to what.

Clicking one of the buttons toggles the corresponding {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} without affecting its neighbor.



Counting With Bits

Adding Bits Together

Apps can combine the values from multiple {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in Memory together to do useful things on the Screen. For example, we can make a "Total" display on the Screen that shows the values of the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in Memory added together.

Click the buttons and you'll see that:

  • If both {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} are toggled to "0", the Total is "0"

  • If we toggle {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} "A" or "B" to "1" and leave the other {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} at "0", the Total becomes "1"

  • If we toggle {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} "A" and "B" to "1", we get a Total of "2"




Adding Another Bit

If we wanted to count to three, we could add another bit/button pair like this:





We can now get a Total value of "3" if we toggle all the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} to "1".

We could use this approach to run our comptuers, but there are two things about it that aren't great:

  • We have to add a new bit for every number we want to be able to count up to (e.g. we'd need 100 {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} if we wanted to count to 100)

  • We can get the same "Total" value in multiple ways. For example, we can get a Total of "1" with our {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} toggled in each of these ways:

    {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %}

    {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %}

    {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %}

There turns out to be a better way.

Counting With Multipliers

The technique to eliminate both issues is to multiply the value of each {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} by a specific amount before counting it.


  • The "A" {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} gets multiplied by 1

  • The "B" {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} gets multiplied by 2

  • The "C" {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} gets multiplied by 4

Try toggling these {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} one at a time and watching the Total. Then, do two at a time, then all three.





The first number beside each button is still the value of the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} itself and matches what's above the corresponding switch in the Memory (i.e. either 0 or 1).

The next number is the multiplier value (e.g. 1, 2, or 4).

The final number at the end of the line for each button is what gets used to calculate the Total. It's either "0" if the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} is toggled to "0", or it matches the value of the multipler (e.g. 1, 2, or 4) if the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} is toggled to "1".

Using the multipliers does two things:

  • We can get a Total range from 0 to 7 with three {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} (as opposed to just 0 to 3 that we had in the prior example)

  • There's only one combination of {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} toggle positions for each possible "Total" value. For example, the only way to get 3 is to toggle "A" and "B" to "1" and "C" to "0". No other combination can produce 3.

(I encourage you to play around with the Screen toggle buttons to get a Total of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and to see there's only one way to produce each value)

Doubling Growth

Let's add two more bit/button pairs.

We'll make a "D" {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} with a multiplier of "8" and an "E" {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} with a mulitplier of "16".

While we're at it, I'm going to reverse the order of the switches in Memory from: "A, B, C, D, E", to: "E, D, C, B, A". That doesn't have any affect on the way things work. It's just to make things easier to read in later examples by putting the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} with the switch with the highest multiplier first.

Play around and you'll see that with five {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} we can now count from 0 (with all the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} toggled to 0) to 31 (when all the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} are toggled to "1"). And, we can get any number in between by toggling some {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} to "1" and others to "0.







We can also start to see the pattern for how the multipliers work. Every time we add a new {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} we double the value of the multiplier from its predecesor.

So, we start with:

  • "A" with a multiplier of 1x

  • "B" with a multiplier of 2x

  • "C" with a multiplier of 4x

  • "D" with a multiplier of 8x

  • "E" with a multiplier of 16x

If we added three more {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} , they'd be:

  • "F" with multiplier of 32x

  • "G" with multiplier of 64x

  • "H" with multiplier of 128x

Binary Numbers

Putting the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} into an order with the highest multiplier first has an interesting effect. We can now read all the bits together and treat them like their own number. And, those numbers always correspond exactly to specific Total values.

For example:

  • Total: 0 = Memory: 00000

  • Total: 1 = Memory: 00001

  • Total: 2 = Memory: 00010

  • Total: 3 = Memory: 00011

We can make this even clearer by remove all the zeros from the start of each memory number. Here's a full list of the thiry-two possible values we can produce with the five {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in our prior example.

Total Memory w/ 0s Memory w/o 0s
0 00000 0
1 00001 1
2 00010 10

The Rules Of Computer Bits

We now have the complete set of rules for how computers work with {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} :

  • {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} can be collected together in a computer's Memory

  • Each {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} can be either a 1 or a 0

  • Each {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in a collection has a multiplier assigned to it

  • The multipliers for each collection of {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} start at 1 and double for each {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in the collection

They may not seem like much, but we'll see in the rest of this post how those four rules are the foundation of everything computers do.

Letter And Number Examples

Moving Up And Down

So far, each button on the Screen has been paired directly with a single {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in Memory. Apps can also use buttons that control multiple {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} at the same time.

For example, here's a counter with five {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in Memory but only two buttons. One that adds to the Screen's Total and one that subtracts from it.








Something to notice here is that clicking "Subtract" when the Total is "0" or clicking "Add" when the Total is 31 doesn't do anything. That's because our Memory can only deal with 32 values. It's 0 when all the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} are toggled to "0", and it maxes out at 31 when all the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} are toggled to "1".

We'd need more {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in Memory to use more numbers. And, we'd have to come up with a way to deal with negative numbers. (We'll see an approach we can use for that later when we talk about letters.)

Converting Bits To Letters

Everything we've done to this point has displayed numbers on the Screen based directly on the value of the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in Memory (i.e. we've either displayed them direclty or added them together with their multipliers to get a Total value).

Since the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in a computer's Memory can only be 1s or 0s we'll have to come up with a new technique to handle letters. We'll do this by creating a "Memory Map Dictionary" which works like this:

  • The Memory Map Dictionary contains multiple "entries"

  • We'll add a new entry for each letter we want to be able to display on the Screen

  • We'll assign a unique number to each letter starting at 1 and going up by one for each new entry

For example, we can make a Memory Map Dictionary of letters in the U.S. English alphabet that looks like this:

  • A = 1

  • B = 2

  • C = 3

  • etc...

  • X = 24

  • Y = 25

  • Z = 26

The computer can look up entries in the Memory Map Dictionary using either the letter or the number. So, it can look up the letter "B" to see that its number is "2". Or, it can go the other way and look up the number "25" to see that its corresponding letter is "Y".

With this Memory Map Dictionary the computer can store number values in {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} and translate them into the letter to display on the Screen.








(Note: five {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} gives us the ability to count from 0 to 31. Since there are only 26 letters in the U.S. alphabet, I set the entries in our Memory Map Dictionary for values 27-31 to say "no letter ###".)

More Than Letters

Of course, there are more than just U.S. English alphabet letters involved in writing. Punctuation, accent marks, and languagues like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean that use entirely different characters, for example.

For a real-world computer app we'd want to be able to handle them all. Thankfully, a bunch of folks already got together and created a Memory Map Dictionary that includes everything for us. It's called "Unicode Transformation Format (8-bit)" (or, UTF-8 for short). Here's a basic example that uses it.










(Hint: The UTF-8 standard includes lots of characters that don't show up under various circumstances. So, you'll see "[invisible]" a lot. The U.S. English "A" is located at "01000001" which you can get to by toggling {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} "G" and "A" to 1 and then going from there)

Typing A Letter

So far we've been using buttons to update the values of the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in Memory, but you wouldn't want to have to click a bunch of buttons every time you want to type something. Instead, you'd want to use a text box like this one where you can type a letter.











It's important to point out that the difference here is completely on the Screen side of things. We're interacting with a text box instead of a bunch of buttons, but the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} values the computer uses in Memory are exactly the same as when we set them individually in the prior examples.

If you type a lowercase "a" in the box you'll see "01100001" in the Memory. If you go to the prior example and toggle {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} "G", "F, and "A" to "1" you'll see the same thing in Memory and the lowercase "a" listed as the Character on the Screen.

Typing Words

Let's take the step from letters to words. We'll still use {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} in Memory, but things are going to look a little different. Our UTF-8 example above used eight {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} for the letter. We'll continue with that, but set up our Memory so it can hold multiple letters. To make things easier to read, I'm removing the switches and grouping each collection of eight {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} together.

Type a single letter and you'll see the first eight {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} that represent that letter. Type another letter and you'll see the next eight, etc... I recommend starting with a uppercase "A" and an lowercase "z" for the first two letters to make it easy to see the differences in the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} for each letter in Memory.

(Note: UTF-8 values can be more than eight {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} . If you only type U.S. English letters, numbers and spaces you'll only see eight {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} entries and everything will line up. However, if you type a character like "≈" you'll see longer strings of bits. We could have set up the examples so everything used a higher number of {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} to keep things lined up. In real-world programs you'd absolutely want to do that, but limiting to eight {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} for these examples makes them easier to read.)

Introducing Bytes

Grouping {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} into sets of eight is so common in the computer world that a group of that size has its own name: {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %}

Pronounced "bite", it's what's being referred to in words like "Megabyte", "Gigabyte", and "Terabyte".

Depending on how the term is being used, a Metabyte is either 1,000,000 or 1,048,576 {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} . You can read about the different definitions on the Megabyte Wikipedia page. But, at it's most basic, if we limit our letters to eight {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} that means a computer with 1 megabyte (MB) of memory can work with up to 1,048,576 letters at the same time.

Color Examples

A Color Toggle

We've used {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} to calculate numbers and to make letters. Now, let's use them to make colors.

We'll start with two colors (Black and Bright Green) and we'll use a single {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} to toggle between them. We'll make the color Black when the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} is "0" and Bright Green when the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} is "1".

Four Shades Of Green

To add more colors, we'll add more {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} and create a new Memory Map Dictionary that assigns colors to each number:

  • 0 = Black

  • 1 = Darker Green

  • 2 = Middle Green

  • 3 = Bright Green




A Shade Slider

Let's replace the two toggle buttons with a slider which makes for a nicer interface for changing between our four colors.


0 3



All The Shades Of Green

Now, let's use eight {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} (aka one {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} ) for the color. That'll give us Black when all the {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} are "0", and 255 varying shades of Green (some of which are so close to black that it's hard to tell they have any color at all, but they do). With that many shades we can make a very smooth color slider.



0 255









Intro To Color Theory

Our next step is to be able to pick any color we want (not just a shade of green). Before we do that, we need to cover a little bit about how Screens work in the real world. We'd need an entire post to really get into the details but for now we can work with this:

  • Standard screens are made from of thousands of little dots called {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %}

  • Each {# type: standard #} {%- import "includes/theme-macros.neojinja" as theme -%} {% for span in span.content.spans %} {{- theme.output_spans(site, page_id, span) -}} {% endfor %} is built with three tiny lights in them. The first one is Red, the second is Green, and the third is Blue

  • Each of the Red, Green, and Blue lights can be turned up and down on a dimmer individually. The effect is the same thing we did with the Green slider in the previous example. When the dimmer is all the way down no color comes out of the light (i.e. it's Black).

    As the dimmer moves up, the color starts getting brighter until it's all the way up. At that point, it's pure Red, Green, or Blue

Here's an example sliders for each of the individual colors

Red Bits:

Total Bits:








Green Bits:

Total Bits:








Blue Bits:

Total Bits:










  • negative
    Negative Numbers

    TODO: Write up how negative numbers work