Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Creating Background Borders With Photoshop Scripting

This is what I used to add a white boarder with a black pen line to my instagram photos.

#+FILENAME : AWS - Instagram - Boarder.jsx #+begin _ src js : results output : wrap example : tangle "/Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2022/Presets/Scripts/AWS Instagram Border.jsx"

var doc = app.activeDocument;

function main(black _ border, white _ border) { setBg(0,0,0); addBorder(black _ border); setBg(255,255,255); addBorder(white _ border); }

function setBg(r,g,b) { var new _ color = new SolidColor(); new _ color.rgb.red = r; new _ color.rgb.green = g; new _ color.rgb.blue = b; backgroundColor = new _ color; }

function addBorder(border _ size) { doc.resizeCanvas(UnitValue(doc.width + (border _ size * 2) , 'px') , UnitValue(doc.height + (border _ size * 2) , 'px') ); }

main(2, 38);

#+end _ src

#+TODO :

- Write a post on installing and using Photoshop Scripts