Hello and Welcome!

Hi, I'm Alan.

I've been running my site for a couple decades. There's a bunch here, but you caught me in the middle of rebuilding and the main link list isn't redone yet. Here's a few hand-picked posts that'll give you an idea of what it's about in the mean time.

Y'all. My website builder is working...

My apologies. Alt text is currently offline. I'm working on an update to fix it.

A overview of the features of my particular book of magic along with a bunch of supporting context for how I ended up where I am with it.

TODO: Write up the Neovim Auto-Typer

My apologies. Alt text is currently offline. I'm working on an update to fix it.

Playing with Processing and Blender

Starting with a humble light switch, this interactive post shows the basics of how computers work. It all comes down to a bunch of 1s and 0s

My apologies. Alt text is currently offline. I'm working on an update to fix it.

In which I recover from two years of depression following my first manic bipolar episode

I was struggling with my website. I kept wanting to do things, but the framework I was using added so much friction I rarely made progress. Then, I had an idea. What about sub-domains...

A big part of the reason I wrote my own website builder was to make it easier to experiment with my site. I don't tend to think of it as a "digital garden" these days, but I still like the term and it's a good framing for thinking about the work that goes into a site

Just in case I ever start a band

Starting to collection some thoughts on how feeds can be used to network sites together. The goal is not a "social network", but maybe a "social web"

Some Music

A few selection for the stuff I like. This isn't really curated as a representative sample because I don't really think that way. It's just a few things that I picked to get started as I work on what I want to do for a full blown music section.

Some More Music

I couldn't figure out what tracks to put on the home page. Eventually, I'll randomize it from a larger set. For now, here's a few more.

Other Sites

I've started using Django to build a personal "new tab page" for my browser. This is where I'm putting my notes. It's mainly copy/paste boilerplate code right now. I'll fill in more details on the specifics of how things work over time.

It used to be hard for me to experiment with ideas on this site because of the various frameworks I used over the years. So, I started using other website. These are those.

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