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New Camera (TW : Suicide)

Heads up that this post discussis suicide

The pinholephotography.com site mentioned in the post is no longer around

A best friend of someone I worked with committed suicide.

I never met him, but he was a photographer.

My colleague is helping the family go thru the stuff and found this camera.

It's one of the ones from - pinholephotography.com - - .

I've always thought it would be cool to own one of these. Obviously, not the way I would have wanted to come by one, but I'm honored to have it.

The camera shoots on 4x5 film and the pinhole was formed by marching metal so it should be about as sharp a pinhole as you can get.

As long as it's been since I've messed with film, it's probably been double that since I've done anything 4x5. Should be a treat. I'll probably have to have someone else process it since I don't think I have access to 4x5 tanks anymore.