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Idea Personal Progress Meter

I've never been a particularly "Goal Driven" person. I just go where the wind takes me, but recently I've been making some specific short and long term goals. This got me thinking about what would be a good way to keep track of them. I know there are sites like 43Things to help you with this, but I'd rather keep my stuff private. So, the idea is this. Create a web site (perhaps PersonalProgressMeter.com) where individuals can input their goals. The real trick, though is to keep track of your progress easily. So, to accomplish this each goal would have a "daily", "weekly" or "monthly" flag. Check - up emails would be sent on each on of those intervals with a list of the corresponding goals. Ideally, the eMail would be HTML based and contain a form that asked the question, "did you get closer to this goal?" with a set of yes/no check boxes. The individual would go through and click the appropriate one and submit the form to keep track. Of course, I'm not sure if forms work in HTML email, so that would have to be determined. If not, there is probalby some way to do it to make it simple and quick which would be fairly critical. Anyway, it would at least help keep your goals in the front of your mind.