Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Digital ICE

I own a film scanner that I've used maybe 20 times since I got it. When I made the purchase my plan was to go through a bunch of my old negs and get them scanned in so I could play with them, or at least get a few of my favoriates into an online gallery. I just never really got a chance to get down and dig into it. I have the scanner here with me in Huntsville so that I can borrow some negatives from a friend whose wedding I shot and get some images for a sample book. I did the first few scans and started doing all the spot toning (or whatever the name of the digital equivilent is) that's required with old negs that have been printed off of several times. Then I remember that the scanner has a feature called Digital ICE that's supposed to help cut down on dust showing up in the scan. Holy Cow. It works great. Check out the before and after pics on this page . My negs aren't nearly as spotty as the example, but it does just as good a job of clearing them.  I wish this tech had been discovered and produced back in my old days when I was first transitioning to photoshop, but was still shooting everything on film. Would have saved me weeks worth of time that I spent spotting.