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Dads Bio

There is a local radio show called Music from the Electro Lounge that I listen to a lot on the local NPR station. Tonight they are doing and 80s edition with music and some interspersed audio clips. One of the clips was the announcement of the assassination attempt of President Reagan. This, got me thinking about the book my dad wrote with/about Dennis McCarthy. I remember him as "Denny" who was one of my dad's friends when we lived in D.C. He was also the Secret Service agent who tackled Hinckley when he fired on Reagan. Anyway, I pulled down a copy of the book and just flipped thru it for a sec. On the dust cover is a bio for my dad : Philip W. Smith was born in Fayetteville, Tennessee, and attended the University of Southern Mississippi for one year before joining the Huntsville (Alabama) Times. In 1971 he became the paper's Washington correspondent and spent the next twelve years in the capital working for Newhouse Newspapers. He now lives in Huntsville, Alabama, with his wife, Susan, and their ten - year - old son, Alan.