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The Last Sunday At Reimers

For the past five years or so there has been a Jacksonville tradition called "Sunday at Reimer's". A bunch of folks get together on Sundays to hang out, have some drinks and watch football. In general, we've settled down a little from the early days when there would be multiple beer pong tournaments during the day and a better the 75% chance of ending up at a bar to do karaoke, but it's still a really good time.

Sadly, this past Sunday was likely to be the last one. Reimer is moving out of his beach pad that has been host to the event for the past couple years. This isn't the best photo, but here's the basic setup :

image : last _ sunday _ at _ reimers _ img _ 0289 alt : A group of people in a living room watching four CRT TVs

Then you walk out onto the porch and see this

image : last _ sunday _ at _ reimers _ img _ 0293 alt : View of the beach from across the stream with a beer in the foreground

I'm gonna miss that place.