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Packrat Good Will

I'm a packrat. There are no two ways about it. Two thoughts enter my mind to varying degrees whenever I think about throwing just about anything away : 1) Wow! That's a really useful item. Even though I don't need it right now, I'm sure it'll come in handy some day, 2) Okay, I really won't need that for a long time, if ever, so I should get rid of it, but I don't want to throw it away because it's still perfectly functional. I can fight through the first one a fair portion of the time, but the desire to be at least a little environmental makes it tough for me to get over trashing something that still have plenty of life left in it. Enter Good Will . I've known about them forever and have taken things to them once or twice before, but I've been doing a pretty major purge of stuff over the past couple weeks. It's very liberating and you get a nice feeling about putting useful stuff back out into the world instead of moving it to a landfill. I'm sure I'll be some level of packrat forever, but at least for some things, Good Will lets me reduce the tendency.