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Lightning Off The Back Porch

Photo for August 2nd, 2012

A summer lightning storm blew through last week. I was driving home for most of it but managed to make it back in time to catch one nice shot off the patio.

For the photo nerds : This as a 66 second exposure at ISO 400 with the aperture set to f/5.6.

There was barely any rain for most it. Some sprinkles started toward the end. Since I don't seem to own an umbrella anymore, I had to improvise a cover for my rig. Two Magic Arms 1 , some Super Clamps 2 and a piece of mat board assembled together did the trick.

It wasn't windy at all. If it had been, I would have used a light stand to hold the jerry - rigged shelter. Otherwise, there would have been motion blur in the trees.

Now I'm off to buy an umbrella. I don't care about getting wet, but I'd prefer my gear stay dry.

Footnotes And References