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My First Internet Video Post

I'm a stills guy. Not a video guy. It took me over a year with my latest point and shoot to actually think about the fact that it has video and to give it a try. Even longer to get the first real clip shot and posted. Today is the day. Here is my first video internet post.

< VimeoVideo id="3817271" / >

This is the tail end of the crowd leaving Bryant - Denny after the 2008 Iron Bowl where the Tide beat the stew outta Auburn. Final score, a 36 - 0 shutout. Watching the fans move at roughly the same speed across caught my eye and I decided it would make a worthy video. This was after most of the fans had already filed out. Next time I'm there, I'll see if I can get on the ramp earlier and see what it looks like with more people packed together.