Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

And were back again

So, toward the end of 2009, I decided that I wanted to move this blog back from stimulatingpixels.com (where it was for a while) and at the same time, convert the underlying blog software from WordPress to Drupal. At the time, it looked like Drupal had some stuff going for it that would make what I was looking to do with this site easier/better. Four things happened since I 'started' this move :

1. I spent a lot of time working through Drupal's notorious learning curve, but still didn't really feel confident in it. 2. The day job ate up way too much time in 2010. 3. I got seduced by the giant time - sink that is Facebook. 4. WordPress upgraded to version 3.

So, after all that time, all I've ended up doing is upgrading to the latest version of WordPress and moving the blog back to this site. Of course, in the mean time, all of 2010 went by without a post....

Now that I've got things moved, I'll shoot to post more than one post every 18 months....