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Four Links for April 24 2011

How to kill an idea][1] - (by [Scott Campbell][2]) - I saw this on one site and had to do a google image search and then jump through a few other sites before I found the original artist. We should all get better at citing things.

2. [See Something? Cite Something.][3] - Related to the first link. A flowchart about citing the work of others.

3. [Historically Hardcore][4] - How a fake campaign for the Smithsonian took off.

4. [Why nose grease kills the foam in your beer/coke][5] - If you've never seen the trick it's fascinating to watch. Gross, but fascinating.

[1] : http : //1.bp.blogspot.com/ - F7xuCiIl4rU/TV1cpDeVWfI/AAAAAAAAFSU/orppP88oKwQ/s1600/killing - ideas.jpg

[2] : http : //www.pyramidcar.com/

[3] : http : //www.notquitewrong.com/rosscottinc/2011/01/13/see - something - cite - something/

[4] : http : //www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/story - of - the - historically

[5] : http : //www.chow.com/food - news/54430/why - does - nose - grease - tame - beer - foam/