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A Bright New Light Bulb Idea

Innovation in light bulb design continues apace. The leading example is variable color, smart phone controlled LED lights. Yes, seriously 1 . Even incandescents, the dinosaur of light bulbs, are evolving.

Traditional incandescents work by suspending a little piece of tungsten inside a vacuum.

A new technique recently hit the scene. Instead of a filament, a smaller halogen bulb is wired inside the main bulb.

Illumination, Russian Doll Style.

There is also a hole in the screw cap. This would prevent a traditional incandescent from working, but the halogens don't need an external vacuum. My guess is that this acts as a pressure valve or ventilation. Whatever the case, it certainly looks intentional.

This whole hybrid - halogen concept looks like someone ended up with a ton of surplus halogen bulbs and said, "Hey, what if we jury - rigged these inside of a standard bulb?" and everyone laughed. Until they did it and it worked.

Definite points for creativity.

Footnotes And References