Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Introducing Today I Learned

Code snippets represent a large portion of my posts. They generally include, "While working on _ X _ , I ran into issue _ Y _ and came up with this solution _ Z _ ..." type descriptions for context. Interesting as that might be, they aren't critical. What they are is time consuming to produce. I post less often because of that. Inspired by the HashRocket's _ Today I Learned _ blog 1 , I'm changing my approach and dropping the backstory.

Starting today, code snippet posts will fall under umbrella " _ Today I Learned : ... _ " titles. There will still be enough context to make sense, but the specific reasons I went down any particular rabbit hole will be greatly reduced. I figure this will cut two thirds or more off writing time.

Less muss, less fuss, more posts.

_ Footnotes _

1. Today I Learned](http://til.hashrocket.com) from the crew at [Hashrocket - Frequent snippet posts. It's only been going for a couple months. There's already a bunch of nice things though. Good stuff.