Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Steps for Writing a Blog Post

1. Come up with an idea for a post. 2. Determine the post needs a chart. 3. Look for existing tools to produce the chart. 4. Don't find any acceptable ones and decide to make it yourself. 5. Read "Interactive Data Visualization for the Web" by Scott Murray. 6. Build the chart to look exactly the way you want. 6. Realize the chart isn't "Responsive" (i.e. look good on phones, 30" monitors and everythign in between). 7. More research. 8. Discover there isn't a good guide for making a accessible, reusable, responsive chart. 9. Cobble together various resources and experiment until you come up with your own code. 10. Decide it's worth documenting all this effort so other people can learn from the effort. 11. Refactor the example for publication. 12. Write a tutorial post demonstrating the example. 13. Write the actual post that started this all.