Fifteen Years Building This Website

Today, this site is _officially_ fifteen years old.

Crazy as that seems, it's actually even older. I started it in the late '90s. The records database doesn't go back that far. So, I don't know exactly when. I tried using the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine to figure it out. No help there. The first snapshot wasn't until July 18, 2001.

I still get a kick out of that iteration of the home page. It refreshed every four seconds. Each time presenting a bunch of "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy." sentences in different layouts. An ode to The Shining

I like the idea of having my stuff be mine and not under someone else's control

Could've used some editorial help on that one but the sentiment holds. After a decade and a half working on a personal site, I can highly recommend it for everyone. And, thanks to the march of technology, it's easy for anyone to do it for free.

If you're not a tech person, go to and click the "Create Website" button. You'll be up and running in a few minutes. Over time, you'll be much happier working on your own thing than something in someone else's social network.


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