Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Back to Contacts or Correcting the Lasik Fade

*TODO : Fix this code so that it works with MDX - Current commented out*

<script type="text/javascript">
var ImageLoaderDevV4 = function() {


ImageLoaderDevV4.prototype.url_to_call = function() {
  return this._url_template.replace('[WIDTH]', this.url_request_width()).replace('[HEIGHT]', this.url_request_height()).replace('[QUALITY]', this._quality).replace('[IMAGE_NAME]', this._image_name) 

ImageLoaderDevV4.prototype.img_tag = function() {
  return '<img src="' + this.url_to_call() + '" width="' + this.render_width() + '" height="' + this.render_height() + '" />'

ImageLoaderDevV4.prototype.load_params = function(params) {
  // This is the core funciton that takes all possible inputs.
  // Convience methods will be used in production, but they will all communicate
  // load_params. 

  // Required
  this._image_name = params["image_name"];
  this._viewport_height = params["viewport_height"];
  this._viewport_width = params["viewport_width"];
  this._raw_height = params["raw_height"];
  this._raw_width = params["raw_width"];
  this._url_template = params["url_template"];

  // Optional 
  this._dpr = params["dpr"] ? params["dpr"] : 1;
  this._max_render_width = params["max_render_width"] ? params["max_render_width"] : params["raw_width"];
  this._percent_of_viewport_width = params["percent_of_viewport_width"] ? params["percent_of_viewport_width"] : 100;
  this._quality = params["quality"] ? params["quality"] : 80;
  // If ``percent_of_viewport_height`` is called, translate it into `_percent_of_viewport_width`.
  if("percent_of_viewport_height" in params) {
    this._percent_of_viewport_width = Math.floor(this._viewport_height * params["percent_of_viewport_height"] * this._raw_width / this._raw_height / this._viewport_width);

ImageLoaderDevV4.prototype.render_height = function() {
  return  Math.floor(this._raw_height * this.render_width() / this._raw_width );

ImageLoaderDevV4.prototype.render_width = function() {
  return Math.floor(Math.min(this._max_render_width, (this._percent_of_viewport_width * .01 * this._viewport_width)));

ImageLoaderDevV4.prototype.url_request_height = function() {
  return this.render_height() * this._dpr; 

ImageLoaderDevV4.prototype.url_request_width = function() {
  return this.render_width() * this._dpr; 

var imageLoader = new ImageLoaderDevV4;

So, this happened today :

<div class="photoWrapper">
<script type="text/javascript">
    dpr: 2,
    image_name: "aws-20170106--1214-01a-.jpg",
    percent_of_viewport_width: 96,
    max_render_width: 700,
    quality: 85,
    raw_height: 1200,
    raw_width: 1600,
    viewport_height: window.innerHeight,
    viewport_width: window.innerWidth,
    url_template: "http://res.cloudinary.com/awsimages/image/upload/w_[WIDTH],h_[HEIGHT],q_[QUALITY]/i/[IMAGE_NAME]"


After a decade plus of fantastic, laser (errr, lasik) powered vision, my eyes started losing focus last year 1 . It's not to bad, but it's been bugging me. Probably more than most given my former life as a photographer.

I finally made it to the eye doc today and walked out with a new prescription for contacts. You know the, "you never forget how to ride a bike," saying? Turns out, the same is true for putting contacts in.

Today wasn't nearly as profound as the first time I got glasses and discovered what leaves on trees look like. Still, it's nice to get that little extra bit of focus distance that was lacking 2 .

_ Footnotes _

1. This is not the near sightedness that's almost certainly on the way. My distance vision is what diminished.

2. Worth pointing out that I have no complaints about my history with Lasik. Paying for the surgery was some of the best money I've ever spent. Before going in, I couldn't see the giant "E" that's on top of the typical eye chart. Afterward, my eyes were a little better than 20/20. Something I didn't even know was possible.