Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.


- Publish checklists - Show version history of each page - Copy over the ideas from your other lists to this one. Kinda the first thing to do. - Update the stylesheet so list items have disk icons in front of them and a little spacing between. - Pull in links from pinboard - Pull in notes from nvAlt - Pull in scratchpads from PyCharm - Setup Django to manage things like quotes that get published out - Setup so you don't have to put the entire contents of the site in each post in order for search to work. - Put random quotes in the sidebar along with your drawings - Figure out if you can get on this developer streamer list : https : //github.com/bnb/awesome - developer - streams/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md - Finish updating your daily link getter and the stream version one so they aren't on the desktop - Make a Python version of your PhotoImporter in Python that works on windows - Django CMS front end? - Move the site to React? - Add JSONField to Django (https : //docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/ref/contrib/postgres/) and look at other field types. - Redo the All Work and No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy homeage. < br / > - - < a href="https : //web.archive.org/web/20010718194708/http : //www.alanwsmith.com/" > Example 2 < /a > < br / > - - < a href="https : //web.archive.org/web/20010721234034/http : //www.alanwsmith.com/" > Example 1 < /a > - Pull in pinboard.in links - Add a search tile that only shows up randomly and floats around - Actually post some of my 20 year archive of digital photos - Actually scan and post some of my 30 year archive of film photos - Auto post notes from nvAlt - Make a JavaScript version of my first computer program from the TI - 99/4A - Load the favorited tweets of other folks - Auto assemble code snippets from scrachpads - Make a cheat sheets - Settings tile that float randomly - Build the tool that syncs youtube music videos so folks can listen in to what you're listening to. - Load up your full ideas list. Even the million dollar ones that you've been keeping to yourself because someone might as well take a shot