NOTE: I'm in the middle of upgrading the site. Most things are in place, but some things are missing and/or broken. This includes alt text for images. Please bear with me while I get things fixed.

Building a local version of Giphy - Part 2 LiveCoding

*NOTE : TODO : This pages needs updates to work with MDX*

Things done :

	<li><strike>Don't rebuild resized images each time the page is loaded</strike></li>
	<li><strike>Display the file names to get a quick search going</strike></li>
	<li><strike>Get the resized gifs to animate</strike></li>
	<li><strike>Size both width and height of preview images to drop into a square area</strike></li>
	<li><strike>Get some CSS going to make the display nicer</strike></li>

Other possiblites for the future,

	<li>Present some random images at the top of the page each time it loads</li>
	<li>See if you can use EXIF metadata to store tags and search terms</li>
	<li>Log which images get used</li>
	<li>If exif data works, build a tool to edit it on the gifs</li>
	<li>If performance becomes an issue, do some pagination, but so far that isn't a problem</li>
	<li>Make a tags filter that loads images with a specific tag</li>
  <li>Try to make it so the main page doesn't jump to the top when you select a gif</li>

- https : //www.mamp.info/en/mamp/mac/ - https : //www.mamp.info/en/windows/

https : //stackify.com/how - to - log - to - console - in - php/

get a little debugger going. you bugger

function console_log($output, $with_script_tags = true) {
    $js_code = 'console.log(' . json_encode($output, JSON_HEX_TAG) .
    if ($with_script_tags) {
        $js_code = '<script>' . $js_code . '</script>';
    echo $js_code;

https : //www.php.net/manual/en/function.file - exists.php

https : //www.php.net/manual/en/function.sprintf.php

https : //stackoverflow.com/a/10128978/102401

https : //stackoverflow.com/a/34577896/102401

convert source.png - resize 500x dest.png

https : //stackoverflow.com/a/718500/102401

$resize_command =
    '/usr/local/bin/convert %s -resize 200x200 %s',


  General page I like:



  CSS for centering

~ fin ~