Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Live Coding Working On My Hugo Website

` youtube : https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=T25kxdY7Qwo `

### Overview

I use a modified version of the Tale](https://themes.gohugo.io/tale-hugo/) theme by [Emiel Hollander](https://www.emielhollander.nl) for my [Hugo website. In this stream, I make some modifications to it to hightlight draft headlines so they are easier to see. I also make some adjustments to the pagination of the site and then figure out how to change the syntax highlighting.

The code I used to highlight the drafts in my posts is :

{{ if eq .Draft true }}DRAFT: {{ end }}

Highlighting is done pretty much straight from the example code with :

{{</* highlight python "linenos=table" */>}}
/* code goes here */
{{</* / highlight */>}}

To use my own highlights, I ran this command inside my

### Useful Links

- Hugo Conditionals - Hugo Syntax Highlighting

https : //help.farbox.com/pygments.html - colorful

note that code highligthing should be done with the pygments thing in the config file at the root of the hugo site.

https : //gohugo.io/getting - started/configuration - markup/

https : //github.com/yuin/goldmark/#built - in - extensions

TODO : Look at this : https : //raw.githubusercontent.com/it - gro/hugo - theme - w3css - basic/master/exampleSite/config.toml

TODO : Look at : https : //invent.kde.org/websites/kate - editor - org/tree/master/themes/beautifulhugo