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Store Password Credentials With Python And GPG

NOTE : This is no longer the way I do stuff. I use the system keychains see [[/posts/storing - local - environmental - variables - securely - in - password - managers - instead - of - plaintext - env - files - - 20eonil1bcsz][Storing Local Environmental Variables Securely In Password Managers Instead Of Plaintext env Files]] for details

To get credentials from your encrypted store, use this :

# This is the original that only works in Python 3
def get_credential(file_path):
    import subprocess
    return str(subprocess.run([
        '/usr/local/bin/gpg', '--armor', '--decrypt', '-q',
    ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')).split("\n")[0]

# This should work with both 2 and 3
def get_credentials(file_path):
    import subprocess
    return subprocess.check_output([
        '/usr/local/bin/gpg', '--decrypt', '-q',

credential = get _ credentials('/Users/alans/credentials/example _ credential.asc')