Adding Tag Links to My Hugo Site Posts

*NOTE: TODO: This page needs updates to work with MDX*

### Goal: Get tags working on this site √

This was easy... Tags work out of the box with Hugo. The only thing I did was updated the config file to remove the auto generated `categories`. That was done by just adding this to the config.toml file:

  tag = "tags"

That overwrites the existing [TODO: Code shorthand span ] which has categories with this option that only contains tags.

### Goal: Put links to the tag pages on the individual post pages √

This was pretty straight forward with a pull from the documentation. The page where the edit was made for my theme is:


All I had to do was drop this code in:

{{ range $elem_index, $elem_val := (.GetTerms "tags") }}
	{{- if gt $elem_index 0 }}, {{ end -}}
	<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a>
{{- end -}}

That code loops through all the tags. If there is more than one, it puts a comma between them.

### Goal: Put links to the tag pages under the post titles on the index pages √

This was pretty much the same as the single page. The pages to edit was:


This time the code was:

{{ range $elem_index, $elem_val := (.GetTerms "tags") }}
	{{- if eq $elem_index 0 }} - {{ end -}}
	{{- if gt $elem_index 0 }}, {{ end -}}
	<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a>
{{- end -}}

The difference is the line `{{- if eq $elem_index 0 }} - {{ end -}}`. That one prints out a dash before the first tag (if there are any). I use that for a separation from the date that comes in just before it.

I was thinking I'd try to output just the first tag, but after seeing the full list, I'm fine with that. So, this has me in good shape for the tags.

### Other Stuff

Reference to the different Hugo tokens that can be used in templates:

		<td>{{/* */}}</td>
		<td>{{ }}</td>
		<td>{{&lt; &gt;}}</td>
		<td>{{&#37; &#37;}}</td>
		<td>{{- -}}</td>
		<td>removes surrounding white space</td>
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