NOTE: I'm in the middle of upgrading the site. Most things are in place, but some things are missing and/or broken. This includes alt text for images. Please bear with me while I get things fixed.

Pinboard Tag Bookmarklet

This is the code you can use to create a bookmarklet for pinboard that creates a bookmark for a specific tag then closes the window automatically.

javascript : q=location.href;p=document.title;void(t=open('https : //pinboard.in/add?tags=ToRead&later=yes&noui=yes&jump=close&url='+encodeURIComponent(q)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(p),'Pinboard','toolbar=no,width=100,height=100'));t.blur();


- Set this up so folks can put in tags and auto generate the bookmarklet to drag in.

- Setup for multiple tags

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