Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Mission Statement

My first thoughts of mission statements are business speak. Sometimes good, sometimes not. Mostly empty and always a lie. They may be goals, but corporate mission statements aren't the mission. Their mission is to make money. Everything else is secondary.

But, when I think past that, to the potential and the possibility, I see power. A beacon to track. A goal to guide the work.

I've gone 46 years without direction. Driven by mania from one fleeting idea to another. Now, though meds and mindfulness, I've found stability.

It's time to set a course.

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My mission :

Build free tools to teach people of all ages, abilities, classes, education levels, genders, orientations, races, and religions how to program while giving them the confidence to take on the world < br / > < br / >

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This is scary.

To make the decision. To put it down. To crystallize it and show the world.

Now, it's real. I'm accountable.

But, I'm good with that.

After all, < a href="http : //thisishowyouprogram.com" > if I don't stand up, who will < /a > ?