Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Learning Django By Making A Tutorial - Part 6

` youtube : https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=g _ Gt - 0L5 _ 0M `

### [Start : 00 : 00 : 00] - Going through the tutorial so far to make sure it works

Just walking through the tutorial in its current state to see how it's going.

Made a few adjustments. That processes will continue, but it's shaping up nicely.

### [Time : 1 : 06 : 30] - Adding URLs

This went pretty quick. It was also another example of being able were I was able to figure stuff out making my own tutorial that I hadn't doing the official one. In this case, it was namespacing URLs.

After doing the URLs, I've decided the next step will be setting up templates. That feels like a natural progression and will make the site look decent. From there, I'll move on to the database stuff.

Shoutout to xprotocol_ for stopping by.

### Table Of Contents

- Part 1 - Getting the home page to work - Part 2 - Reviewing the first draft and building a model, view, and url structure for a checklist page - Part 3 - Learning how to test. And, making a python module so that unittest's output is green instead of red when tests pass. - Part 4 - Part 5 - Working with forms and getting a pointer to generic views. - Part 6 - Review run - through and adding URLs.

### Links

- A real example of URL Namespace - Stack Overflow - Django Class-Based-View Inspector -- Classy CBV - Django Url naming and namespaces: urls with name, url with arguments that use name, reverse in views and template links, urls.py with namespace attribute, urls.py with nested namespace attribute, urls.py with multiple instances of the same app and app_name, leverage app_name to determine url, template link that leverages app_name to determine url - django.urls functions for use in URLconfs - Try DJANGO Tutorial Series - YouTube - URL dispatcher - Writing your first Django app, part 2