Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Transitioning From Hugo To Gatsby

- Move Hugo [TODO: Code shorthand span ] files :

- [x] make sure date exists - [x] figure out how you want do deal with date format differences - type : date value : '2020 - 09 - 23T16 : 44 : 38.000Z' - type : number value : 1612732288 - [x] Translate code highlighting - [x] Translate image calls - [x] migrate images - [] deal with drafts - [] deal with images that aren't in the same folder - [x] figure out why [TODO: Code shorthand span ] showed up empty (seems to have been the limit on making pages) - ] - deal with videos like: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VdNcCcweL0 - [] update links if necessary (e.g. if you find old wp/blog links) - [] add [TODO: Code shorthand span ] date - [x] make a year directory based off the file data. - [x] move the directory with it's name - [x] move the index.md file - [x] add a slug the the yaml frontmatter - [x] make sure tags transfer properly - [] figure out what to do with summary - [] add tags for journals, browing history, etc... - [] think about cleaning other frontmatter as you see it. - [x] make all date formats the same - [x] Find files that aren't index.md - [x] move images - update Hugo image shortcodes to gatsby image calls - update Hugo code block shortcodes to something that works in gatsby - Make sure markdown image calls work. - Deal with missing images - deal with any other Hugo shortcodes - any built - ins - content remove_css_clear - content remove _ css _ obfuscated - img - img2 - js _ card _ randomizer - youtube _ autoplay _ hashes - youtube _ autoplay - youtube

- nvAlt File Move


- PyCharm Projects


Modules :

- gatsby - transformer - remark gatsby - remark - prismjs prismjs https : //www.gatsbyjs.com/plugins/gatsby - remark - prismjs/

- gatsby - remark - embed - video

- gatsby - remark - responsive - iframe