Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Different Types Of Documentation

This is a great presentation for thinking about documentaion in a different way.

https : //documentation.divio.com

Another thing I like is the way Gatsby breaks things down :

- Quick Start - Tutorial - How - To Guides - Reference - Coceptual Guides

I really like that last one for getting my head around things.

Something I'm thinking about is a skill tree idea of learning a thing. Like, have all the parts in a map that you can go through and keep track of what you know.

Would be cool if you could flip to it at any point.

Something I'm not as big a fan of is links inside tutorails that point to other things that you can do. Everytime that happens, I have to make a decision on if I'm going to jump or not. It always feels like I'm going to miss out if I don't, but with the skill tree map, it would give some confidence that I'll make sure that I hit everything.