Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Digital Garden Thoughts

Doing the mental upgrade to think of my site as a Digital Garden has been awesome.

Highly Recommended.

- I always called my site a site instead of a blog. I liked the mental model of it being more than just a blog even though that was the format for years. But "a site" has certain parameters and expectations in my head. Changing the language to think of it as a Digital Garden reset my idea of the thing. Even though it's still a collection of HTML, CSS, and JS hosted on a domain, the relabeling has made it new in my head.

- The shift was and is liberating.

- You can do stuff like putting links to all 1,200 of your posts in a random order on your home page like I've done.

- I'm just going to burn through some stuff here and not worry about making it a solid "well - written" article. It takes me hours (and that's not an exagaration) to put together a formal post. This is just gonna be a stream of consiousness run with a touch of editing.

- I have 617 draft posts sitting in my grimoire dating back to 2011.

$ ll | grep -i post- | wc -l