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Resize tmux Window Panes On A Mac


Uses these key sequences to resize tmux window panes on a mac :

CTRL+b :resize-p -D 4
CTRL+b :resize-p -U 4
CTRL+b :resize-p -L 4
CTRL+b :resize-p -R 4

### Details

The [TODO: Code shorthand span ] (aka ` < C - b > + ARROW ` ) calls don't work on my mac. There are system command that take over and prevent them from working. To resize window panes, I use the tmux command line

- First hit CTRL+b - Then hit [TODO: Code shorthand span ] to move to the command line - Use [TODO: Code shorthand span ] to change the window pane size with the direction and the amount. For example :

: resize - p - D 4

The [TODO: Code shorthand span ] stands for down and the "4" is the amount. The other directions are [TODO: Code shorthand span ] for up, [TODO: Code shorthand span ] for left, and [TODO: Code shorthand span ] for right.

via : https : //superuser.com/a/863397/85635