Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

weathergov API Notes

The JSONs got copied incorrectly when I moved files. Run the commands directly to get the examples.

[] re - run commands to get fresh examples

[] move larger json examples to their own files

weather.gov does not offer zip code search, you need lat/long. They point to Census bureau as a potenal source to get that :

https : //geocoding.geo.census.gov/geocoder/Geocoding _ Services _ API.html

The notes below are scratchpad notes that still need to be put together

- hit this one from stright luck : https : //api.weather.gov/products/9d061e9e - 0300 - 419e - 9deb - 3ee37db33cb9

via : https : //api.weather.gov/products



curl https://api.weather.gov/stations/KJAX/observations/latest | jq '.properties.temperature'
code full

Available Keys

curl https://api.weather.gov/stations/KJAX/observations/latest | jq '.properties | keys'
code full


Docs are here, under Specifications :

https : //www.weather.gov/documentation/services - web - api

There's a feed with a list of the available end points here :

https : //api.weather.gov/openapi.json

- not all the endpoints lists in that JSON are considered operational according to the sepcifications

- I'm pretty sure when you see [TODO: Code shorthand span ] it stands for Weather Forecast Office. which appears to be the same as the gridID

- Get coordinates by looking at google maps and pulling the coords (e.g. [TODO: Code shorthand span ] ), then do this :

Use the coordinates to get the data with :

  curl -X GET "https://api.weather.gov/points/40.123%2C-71.434" -H "accept: application/geo+json"
code full

Not sure you really need the ` - H "accept : application/geo+json" ` , but it was in the example. (TODO : Run a test without it to see what happens)

Looks like you can get a current set of data with :

  curl https://api.weather.gov/gridpoints/LWX/96,70
code full

You can also get the forecast with :

curl https://api.weather.gov/gridpoints/LWX/96,70/forecast
code full

use it to get the forecast data.

  curl https://api.weather.gov/openapi.json | jq '.paths | keys'
code full