Responsive Images In Hugo
_ NOTE : I haven't run Hugo in a couple years. I don't know if this is still necessary or if something else is available now _
_ NOTE : Need to combine this with this post _
This is the first version of responsive image code I made for Hugo.
It has the hard coded sizes that work with the Tale theme that I setup initially for the site in Nov. 2019.
You can drop full size images in and then when you call it the images are resized automatically by Hugo to the specific sizes.
It defaults to using the large size if a browser doesn't work with srcset.
Usage :
The code :
{{ $src := .Page.Resources.GetMatch (printf "*%s*" (.Get "src")) }}
{{ $small1 := $src.Resize "690x" }}
{{ $medium1 := $src.Resize "1000x" }}
{{ $large1 := $src.Resize "1324x" }}
{{ $small2 := $src.Resize "1380x" }}
{{ $medium2 := $src.Resize "2000x" }}
{{ $large2 := $src.Resize "2648x" }}
src="{{ $large2.RelPermalink }}"
{{ $small1.RelPermalink }} 690w,
{{ $medium1.RelPermalink }} 1000w,
{{ $large1.RelPermalink }} 1324w,
{{ $small2.RelPermalink }} 1380w,
{{ $medium2.RelPermalink }} 2000w,
{{ $large2.RelPermalink }} 2648w"
alt="{{ if .Get "alt" }}{{ .Get "alt" }}{{ else }}Image without alt text{{ end }}"
{{ if .Get "caption"}}
<figcaption>{{ .Get "caption" }}</figcaption>
{{ end }}
This version is basically the same, but it also prevents upsizing by comparing the width against the source image. Of course, if the CSS upsizes, this won't stop that.
{{ $src := .Page.Resources.GetMatch (printf "*%s*" (.Get "src")) }}
{{ $small1 := $src.Resize "690x" }}
{{ $medium1 := $src.Resize "1000x" }}
{{ $large1 := $src.Resize "1324x" }}
{{ $small2 := $src.Resize "1380x" }}
{{ $medium2 := $src.Resize "2000x" }}
{{ $large2 := $src.Resize "2648x" }}
src="{{ $large2.RelPermalink }}"
{{ with $small1.RelPermalink }}{{.}} 690w{{ end }}
{{ if ge $src.Width 1000 }},
{{ $medium1.RelPermalink }} 1000w
{{ end }}
{{ if ge $src.Width 1324 }},
{{ $large1.RelPermalink }} 1324w
{{ end }}
{{ if ge $src.Width 1380 }},
{{ $small2.RelPermalink }} 1380w
{{ end }}
{{ if ge $src.Width 2000 }},
{{ $medium2.RelPermalink }} 2000w
{{ end }}
{{ if ge $src.Width 2648 }},
{{ $large2.RelPermalink }} 2648w
{{ end }}"
alt='{{ if .Get "alt" }}{{ .Get "alt" }}{{ else }}Image without alt text{{ end }}'
{{ if .Get "caption"}}
<figcaption>{{ .Get "caption" }}</figcaption>
{{ end }}
References :
- https : // - images - for - hugo - dn9 - https : // - images - hugo/