Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

My Basic Emacs Setup Process

There are notes on what I did to setup emacs via spacemacs on my mac (lots of macs there)

Installed emacs with :

brew install emacs

then ran this to get Spacemacs config stuff in place

git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d

via : https : //www.spacemacs.org/#

Setup to use 'vim' style in the initial setup (I don't remember the text of it)

Edit ~/.spacemacs

Added all this to [TODO: Code shorthand span ]

- org - for org mode - python - for python to work in org mode via babble - javascript - for javascript to work in org mode via babble

Tried [TODO: Code shorthand span ] to get the option key to work as the meta key but it didn't work.

Instead, I used this in iTerm2

Preferences > Profiles > Keys > Left Option Key

And set it to : [TODO: Code shorthand span ]

(Did [TODO: Code shorthand span ] instead of [TODO: Code shorthand span ] based on the emacs wiki

To get javascript code blocks working in code blocks use [TODO: Code shorthand span ] instead of [TODO: Code shorthand span ]


or this to see the output that prints to the console

# _ +begin _ src js : results output

Added [TODO: Code shorthand span ] as the first item under [TODO: Code shorthand span ] to use that theme

(This did not require adding the Themes Megabuck layer

Considering : changing these from [TODO: Code shorthand span ] to [TODO: Code shorthand span ] to set the leader to the comma :


Added deft for nvalt style stuff (hopefully) by adding




NOTE : I've removed deft, going with helm for getting the grimoire lined up.

Set :

(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()


(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
    (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
    (setq deft-directory "~/Desktop/Grimoire")
    (require 'org-tempo)

NOTE : I removed deft so this is no longer in play. I'm using helm directly now

The [TODO: Code shorthand span ] was what got it working so you can type [TODO: Code shorthand span ] then TAB as a snippet that auto - expands into a source block

Via this](https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/11798#issuecomment-504739959) and the note that I missed in [the docs

Tried removing [TODO: Code shorthand span ] and added [TODO: Code shorthand span ] to [TODO: Code shorthand span ] , but switched back to helm

This is what I had in the [TODO: Code shorthand span ] section

(compleseus :variables
              compleseus-engine 'selectrum)

This is a goal to get a dynamic completion setup for [TODO: Code shorthand span ] in the mini buffer to use for the grimoire (with the dynamic update it doesn't seem like there's a way to use an external search)

That didn't work and I got helm to work so I remove selectrum.

Note : installed [TODO: Code shorthand span ] to see about using [TODO: Code shorthand span ] with : https : //manueluberti.eu/emacs/2020/02/22/ripgrepping - with - helm/

Not actually doing that, but keeping it here as a note for the process





This lets literate programming with with :

#_+begin_src bash 
  echo "test"

There is a problem with [TODO: Code shorthand span ] getting huge.

Ater messing around with a bunch of big files it grew to 500+MB. That was causing Emacs/Spacemacs to hang repeatedly for several seconds.

Deleteing that files seems to have fixed things, but I still need to figure out how to set it so that it doesn't become a problem.

installed ipython via [TODO: Code shorthand span ]

tried to do that to get outptu moving faster in the emacs terminal window, but it didn't work. just doing stuff in org mode source blocks for now