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Setting Up Org Mode Source Code Block Snippets In Spacemacs (Emacs)

TODO : Roll this into the other post where you show the actual snippets that you used (assuming you can find it)

ID of the other post is : 2afrtrcdfbfn

Took a bit to figure this one out. The goal it to setup snippets that auto expand into Org mode source code blocks. By default, you can type "SPC m i b s" when you're not in edit mode to generate a generic source code block like this :

#+begin _ example

# _ +begin _ src

# _ +end _ src

#+end _ example

That's a lot of keys and you still have to define the language and any other options. I made the following additions to the [TODO: Code shorthand span ] section at the bottom of my [TODO: Code shorthand span ] config file to make it nicer.

(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
    (require 'org-tempo)
    (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
                 '("j" . "src js :results output"))
    (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
                 '("p" . "src python :results output"))

The [TODO: Code shorthand span ] line turns on some default snippet expansions like [TODO: Code shorthand span ] followed by TAB at the start of a line (in INSERT mode) for the basic begin/end src block.

The [TODO: Code shorthand span ] items let me type [TODO: Code shorthand span ] followed by TAB and [TODO: Code shorthand span ] followed by a TAB to generate :

#+begin _ example

# _ +begin _ src js : results output

# _ +end _ src

#+end _ example


#+begin _ example

# _ +begin _ src python : results output

# _ +end _ src

#+end _ example