Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Neopolitan : Implicit Inline Tags

These are old notes from a prior version. They are no longer accurate

There are two styles of inline content tags. Implicit ones that use a single character three times to act as a separator like :

**Tango Foxtrot**

And, explit ones that open can close with pairs of less than and greater than symbols :

[TODO: Code shorthand span ]

Implicit Tags

The first two separator characters of an implict tags denote the content itself. Any optional content in between the second and third separator character is used as an attribute array separated with pipe [TODO: Code shorthand span ] characters.

For example, the [TODO: Code shorthand span ] is used for strong text. So, a basic use looks like this :

*Tango Foxtrot**

A single attribute can be added like this :

*Tango Foxtrot*class: delta*

The reference output from that string is :

<strong class="delta">Tango Foxtrot</strong>
Additional attributes are separated via the
``\|`` pipe. For example:
*Tango Foxtrot*class: deltaPIPE_HEREhidden*


<strong class="delta" hidden>Tango Foxtrot</strong>

Tag List

The full list of the implict tags is :

TODO: Update this with the most recent

The Link Tag

As an example of the specific implementaiton details, I use the first attribute passed into a [TODO: Code shorthand span ] as the URL for the href. The tag doesn't do a lot without that though it could be used to drop and empty anchor.

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