Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Neopolitan : Explicit Content Tags

The implict tags identify a specific subset of functionality to map to. Explict tags can be used for anything.

There are two formats for tagsx :




No Attributes

An example without an attribute is :

<<strong|Tango Foxtrot>>


<strong>Tango Foxtrot</strong>

Single Attribute

The way I do link on my site shows a single attribute :

<<link|Tango Foxtrot|example.com>>


<a href="example.com">Tango Foxtrog</a>

Multiple Attributes

Extra attributes can be passed as well through the use of the | pipe.

<<link|Tango Foxtrot|example.com|class: delta>>


<a href="example.com" class="delta">
  Tango Foxtrog

Tag Functionality

Neopolitan tags don't have to have an explicit mapping to an HTML element. For example, I use [TODO: Code shorthand span ] for internal links on my site like this :

<<ilink|Tango Foxtrot|a1b2c3d4>>

My rending engine knows to turn that ID into whatever the path for that specific file is. In my case that would go to [TODO: Code shorthand span ] but if I change that ID to have an explicit path or change the structure, everytything would just update automatically once the engine gets the new logic

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