Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

I Want A Personal Database

I want a personal, persistent database. My own thing, in my possession, and under my control that houses all my content. Access to specific parts and pieces available only to those I give explicit permission


> The SOLID Project exists > https : //solidproject.org > which basically covers all this. I'd forgotten about it while writing this up, but what the hell, I'll post my version anyway

The General Idea

- Again, > the SOLID Project > https : //solidproject.org > is a thing where folks have though a lot more about this than me. This is just me from the outside

- I firmly believe if we give tools to folks to make more stuff, they will, and the more folks making more stuff, the less angry we'll be at each other an the better the world will be

- There's lots of hard problem in this wish list : syncing, privacy, accessibility, and security (to name a few) are no joke. I'm not proposing solutions just the experience I'd like to have

- The user interface to this thing would be no - joke when it came to permissions. Not only am I'm not trying to solve technical details here, I'm not digging into user interface really either

- Yes, there are some parts up there that and contradictory

- This is mainly an exercise in thinking about moving ownership and control of data from companies back to ourselves

- Yeah, this opens up security issues, but it feels like it's no worse than having all your content spread across services that are using it and selling it

- The single point of entry is a bit scary, but is it any worse than if someone gets into your email?

- I have no idea how you'd deal with credentials and resetting them. I supposed it comes down to you having to trust someone, but that's already the case

- Syncing and replication are hard problems