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Neovim Kickstart Doesn't Work With rust - tools

- I spent most of a day trying to figure out why I couldn't get Inlay Hints working in my Neovim config

- I used Neovim Kickstart neokick for the start of my config

- It uses mason - lspconfig mlsp for its setup

- As far as I can tell, the way it works overrides trying to use rust - tools rt

- When I removed all the mason stuff rust - tools started working and I could do things like call : [TODO: Code shorthand span ]

Other Notes

- rust - tools has been deprecated in favor of rustaceanvim rvim which is a "heavily modified fork" of rust - tools

- I looked at using rustaceanvim, but it doesn't have inlay hints in it

- The reason inlay hints were removed is because the 0.10 version of Neovim will have inlay hints built in. That's still a few months away at the time I'm writing this

Footnotes And References