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Generate A String Of Random Numbers And Letters In Rust

rand = "0.8"

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

fn main() {
  let random_string = random_string(20);
  println!("{}", random_string);

fn random_string(length: usize) -> String {
  let mut rng = thread_rng();
  let mut items = (65..=90).map(|c| 
  (0..=9).for_each(|n| items.push(n.to_string()));
  let count = items.len();
results start

I'm after a string of random numbers and letters to use in Neopolgen post NeoJinja and Pre-Attentive Perception . I expect there's Rust crates that'll get what I want but I wanted to go through the exercise myself to play with some randomness in Rust. This is what I ended up with.

That's based on the Rust Rand Book rrb and the rand crate docs rgr . I don't have a full grasp on this stuff though. As I'm reading it, using Uniform runi sounds like it's more effificent if you're doing it multiple times. I am, but I'm not worried about it for getting this to work. If I understand right, the level or randomness is the same.

If you know more about this stuff and I'm off base please hit me up on Mastodon mast .

Footnotes And References