Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Thoughts On Digital Gardens In 2024

I'm at the tail end of making my own website builder 1 . It's lead me to some thinking about digital gardens :

It comes down to reducing friction. The more effort it takes to do something different, the less likely it is I'll try it. Until I reduced the friction by using subdomains I didn't realize how much I wasn't doing.

I'm on v38 of my site builder. Even in the early prototype stages I could feel a big difference in how much more I was making because there was less drag. Whether you call it a digital garden or just a website, my suggestion is to pay attention to how much friction it takes to make things and do what you can to reduce it as much as possible. It's a lot more fun when it feels less like work.

My links site is here :


Fair warning that several things are broken while I'm retooling everything.

The top link on the links page is :

How To Grow Your Digital Garden With Sub-Domains

The general idea is making lots of subdomains for experiments. I'm moving away from that because the tooling I'm setting up now let's me have the same low - friction way to build things while keeping them on my primary domain. That said, it's still a viable strategy though if your using something that gets in the way of trying new things

A big part of the reason I wrote my own website builder was to make it easier to experiment with my site. I don't tend to think of it as a "digital garden" these days, but I still like the term and it's a good framing for thinking about the work that goes into a site

Footnotes And References