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Resize A tmux Window Split Pane On A Mac

The Easy Way : With The Mouse

Add this to your [TODO: Code shorthand span ] file to let tmux work with the mouse :

setw -g mouse on

Start a new session, make a new split with either [TODO: Code shorthand span ] or [TODO: Code shorthand span ] then drag when divider to resize the panes.

I didn't think this worked at first because the mouse icon didn't change when I hovered over the divider line in iTerm2. The click and drag still worked as expected.

TL;DR With Commands

code full


Hit the leader key (which defaults to CTRL b ) then hold the OPTION key and press the ARROW of the direction to push the window

- If you're on a mac make sure to use the CTRL key and not Command

- At one point I was setup to use ESC instead of CTRL based of some setting in iTerm2, but that's no longer the case. Not sure what changed. I think it had something to do with a remapping I did for Emacs maybe,

Footnotes And References