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Testing Vanilla JavaScript ES Modules With Deno

## TL;DR

I setup [[https : //deno.land/][Deno]] to test ES modules written in vanilla JavaScript. I tried Jest and Vitest first. They didn't work.

Sample code demonstrating the methodology in The Code section below.

## Overview

I'm learning Rust with [[https : //doc.rust - lang.org/book/][The Rust Book]], [[https : //doc.rust - lang.org/rust - by - example/][Rust By Example]] and [[https : //www.rustadventure.dev/][Rust Adventure]]. Doing write - ups of what I'm learning is part of my process. I'm going full bore with that by making [[https : //typing - rust.alanwsmith.com/][an entire site]] dedicated to Rust.

The site is built with [[https : //rust - lang.github.io/mdBook/][mdbook]] (which is amazing) and some vanilla JavaScript written in ES Modules. Figuring out how to test the modules was a pain. I spent a hours trying to get Jest and Vitest to work. Using them without turning everything into a npm project was beyond me.

I'm not opposed to npm projects, but having to set one up solely for testing felt gross. [[https : //www.youtube.com/@chrisbiscardi][Chris Biscardi]] (who runs [[https : //www.rustadventure.dev/][Rust Adventure]]) turned me on to [[https : //deno.land/][Deno]]. It has a [[https : //deno.land/manual@v1.29.4/basics/testing][built - in testing]] feature that does exactly what I need.

Once you have Deno [[https : //deno.land/manual@v1.29.4/getting _ started/installation][installed]], the test process is delightfully straight forward. Two files are all you need : The one you're testing and the one you're testing with.

## The Code

Here's the test file followed by the file to test :

#### example _ test.js

import { assertEquals } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.173.0/testing/asserts.ts'
import { example } from './example.js'

Deno.test('example test', () => {
  assertEquals(example(), true)

#### example.js

export const example = () => {
  return true

That's it. As long as the test file ends with [TODO: Code shorthand span ] you're good to go.

### Running The Tests

Testing is done by running this command in the same directory as the files :

deno test

The output will look like this :

running 1 test from ./example_test.js
example test ... ok (6ms)

ok | 1 passed | 0 failed (19ms)

Given how much time I spent with the other tools it was super nice to have Deno actually just work out of the box.

## Outro

I was surprised how hard it was to figure this out. Especially since the solution didn't come from searching the web. It came from a direct recommendation.

My search - fu may have been off, but it's hard not to feel like I'm alone out here when I want to do things without npm. The Deno solution proves that's not the case. But, it does make me wonder : How many folks aren't using more vanilla approaches simply because of the lack of information?

## Bonus Points

Here's an HTML file that uses the .js file :

#+begin _ export html

< !DOCTYPE html > < html > < head > < script type="module" > import { alfa } from './example.js' console.log(alfa()) < /script > < /head > < body > < /body > < /html >

#+end _ export