Rust nom Parser V9

This is another evolution of the parser.

It uses peek to look ahead to the next character to determine what to do on the next step.

Each part keeps track of what type of area it's in.

I wouldn't be surprised to find a more effifient way to do this, but it's working for me to process 9,000 files with a much more complicted version in less than 30 seconds. I'm good with it.

use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
use nom::bytes::complete::take;
use nom::character::complete::multispace1;
use nom::character::complete::none_of;
use nom::character::complete::one_of;
use nom::combinator::eof;
use nom::combinator::peek;
use nom::sequence::tuple;
use nom::IResult;
use nom::Parser;

fn main() {
    let text = vec![
        "- item alfa",
        "line bravo",
        "paragraph charlie",
        "with lines",
        "and another",
        "- item delta",
        "line echo",
        "# Header Foxtrot",
    let expected = vec![
        "-> list",
        "- item alfa",
        "line bravo",
        "-> p",
        "paragraph charlie",
        "with lines",
        "and another",
        "-> list",
        "- item delta",
        "line echo",
        "-> h1",
        "Header Foxtrot",
    let source = text.join("\n");
    let response = parse(source.as_str());
    println!("{}", response);
    assert_eq!(expected.join("\n"), response);
    println!("Test complete");

pub fn parse<'a>(source: &str) -> String {
    let mut payload = ("".to_string(), Area::Base);
    let mut output = "".to_string();
    let prepend_newline = format!("\n{}", source);
    let mut source = prepend_newline.as_str();
    loop {
        (source, payload) = crawler(source, payload.1).unwrap();
        if source == "" {

pub fn crawler(source: &str, area: Area) -> IResult<&str, (String, Area)> {
    match area {
        Area::Base => {
            let (a, b) = alt((
                // Clear any leading text so this always
                // starts on a new line
      |_| (format!(""), Area::Base)),
                // Start a list if you find one
                tuple((tag("- "), take(1u32)))
                    .map(|x| (format!("-> list\n\n- {}", x.1), Area::List)),
                // Header
                tuple((tag("# "), take(1u32))).map(|x| (format!("-> h1\n\n{}", x.1), Area::List)),
                // This is what closes the processing
      |_| (format!(""), Area::Base)),
                // Anything else is the start of a paragraph
                take(1u32).map(|x| (format!("-> p\n\n{}", x), Area::Paragraph)),
            Ok((a, b))
        Area::List => {
            let (a, b) = alt((
                tuple((tag("\n\n"), peek(none_of("-")))).map(|_| (format!("\n\n"), Area::Base)),
                tag("\n- ").map(|_| (format!("- "), Area::List)),
                take(1u32).map(|x| (format!("{}", x), Area::List)),
            Ok((a, b))
        Area::Paragraph => {
            let (a, b) = alt((
                // this could be done to take into account the ``.`` after
                // the number with a more complex parser
                tuple((tag("\n\n"), peek(one_of("-#*1234567890"))))
                    .map(|_| (format!("\n\n"), Area::Base)),
                take(1u32).map(|x| (format!("{}", x), Area::Paragraph)),
            Ok((a, b))

pub enum Area {
~ fin ~