Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Disable Parenthesis Matching In Neovim

I switched to using [TODO: Code shorthand span ] for my Neovim config. The way to disable standard - plugins 1 is a little different that what I had before. To turn off the highlighting of matching parenthesis I added this towards the top of my config file :

vim.g.loaded_matchparen = 1

It was lower down in the kickstart config 2 I'm now using as my foundation. It didn't work for me until I moved it higher.

Prior Version

For reference, the version from my original [TODO: Code shorthand span ] init file had was :

:let loaded_matchparen = 1

Footnotes And References