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Extract A Single Frame From A Video With ffmpeg

ffmpeg hide_banner -loglevel panic \
-ss 2.23 -i input.mp4 -frames:v 1 \
-y output.jpg

- [TODO: Code shorthand span ] and [TODO: Code shorthand span ] turn off the output unless something goes wrong. Basically they put ffmpeg into quite mode

- [TODO: Code shorthand span ] is for start second. It's a floating point/decimal number for where to extract the frame from

- [TODO: Code shorthand span ] identifies the input file

- [TODO: Code shorthand span ] limits the extraction to a single frame

- [TODO: Code shorthand span ] is used to overwrite the output file if it already exists. (Otherwise ffmpeg asks if you want to overwrite every time it's run)

- [TODO: Code shorthand span ] is the output file

Footnotes And References