Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Make A New Prism Syntax Highlighting Langage Definition

This is what I did to make a starting point for the Neopolitan syntax highlighter for the example page.

- Fork prism from it's repo

- Clone a local copy

- Run [TODO: Code shorthand span ] in the cloned directory

- Make a new file for your language at

the content below here isn't working prolerly in the praser

components/prism - alfa.js

With contents like :

Prism.languages['some-language'] = {
  'token-name': {
    pattern: /regex/

Edit the [TODO: Code shorthand span ] file in the root of the projct to add your language like :

"some-language": {
  "title": "Some Language",
  "owner": "Your GitHub name"

If you're going to try to submit it, make sure it's sorted properly in the alphabetical section below the defaults

http : //localhost : 8080/download.html