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Add Jinja Syntax Highlighting To Neovim

I'm using the Minijinja mj Rust crate to make the templates for Neopolitan neo . It's a solid format but it's a bit hard to look at. Especially without syntax highlighting which doesn't appear to be available by default in Neovim g:nvim .

I tried a plugin plug to add the highlights but caused a bunch of errors every time I started up.

This is the process I ended up going with :

- Create the directory :

[TODO: Code shorthand span ]

- Download the [TODO: Code shorthand span ] and [TODO: Code shorthand span ] files from this page and put them in the [TODO: Code shorthand span ] directory

- Make a new file at :

[TODO: Code shorthand span ]

and put this in it :

au Syntax jinja   runtime! syntax/htmljinja.vim
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.jinja,*.j2  setf jinja

That got syntax highlighting working for me. It doesn't do automatic indention. That would be nice but if I had to choose one or the other I'd choose syntax highlighting over the indention.

I've forked the other repo so can take a look at it as well.

- The plugin with the errors is two years old so I'm not surprised it has problems

- The syntax files are closer to 20yrs old, but thankfully they still work just fine

Footnotes And References