Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Watch For File Changes In A Rust App

This works, but there's a better way to do it where you just look at the paths direclty to see what's changed that way :


This was an attempt to debounce. I though it was mostly working but that turns out to be less of the case than I originally thought. Leaving this here as a mark of progress, but more work needs to be done for the solution.

It's good enough for what I need for now though

Though... now it looks like the issue I'm seeing is because a child process keeps running? I don't know enough about how this works yet.

Proceed with caution.

- >

This is what I'm doing to watch for file changes to trigger re - renders in my blog engine. It uses the watchexec we crate.

use core::fmt::Error;
use core::time::Duration;
use miette::Result;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use watchexec::{
    config::{InitConfig, RuntimeConfig},
use watchexec_events::filekind::FileEventKind;
use watchexec_events::filekind::ModifyKind;
use watchexec_events::Tag;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    println!("Starting process");
    let init = InitConfig::default();
    let mut runtime = RuntimeConfig::default();
    runtime.action_throttle(Duration::new(0, 100000));
    let we = Watchexec::new(init, runtime.clone())?;
    runtime.on_action(move |action: Action| {
        async move {
            let mut events: Vec<PathBuf> = vec![];
            for event in action.events.iter() {
                let mut trigger: bool = false;
                let mut file_path: Option<PathBuf> = None;
                event.tags.iter().for_each(|tag| match tag {
                    Tag::Path { path, .. } => {
                        file_path = Some(path.to_path_buf());
                    Tag::FileEventKind(event_kind) => match event_kind {
                        FileEventKind::Create(_) => {
                            trigger = true;
                        FileEventKind::Modify(modify_kind) => match modify_kind {
                            ModifyKind::Data(_) => {
                                trigger = true;
                            _ => {}
                        _ => {}
                    _ => {}
            events.iter().for_each(|p| do_something(p.to_path_buf()));
            Ok::<(), Error>(())

fn do_something(file_path: PathBuf) {

- I'm still new to Rust so don't be surpirsed if there's weird looking stuff up there.

- This is using the [TODO: Code shorthand span ] approach which is more is designed to run external commands, but it works fine for internal usage for me

- I've got other examples to post from my archive that show the more low level approach but I moved to this becuase it was easier to figure out how to setup a semi - debounce

- The ` .action _ throttle() [TODO: Code shorthand span ] uses a ` Duration [TODO: Code shorthand span ] which is a second followed by nanoseconds. The goal with this approach is to throttle event togehter every 100ms to act as a debounce. I'm not confident that it's setup in an optimal way or even that it's doing what I think it is, but it's doing the job I want

- The way the throttle works starts the clock on the first event that comes in from a group. It doesn't keep getting pushed out like it a standard debounce. For my site's content engine that doesn't matter

- It should be possible to set things up directly without the ` .reconfigure() ` . This is built off an example that used that approach so I'm sticking with it for sake of getting something out the door

Footnotes And References