Smoke Test Neopolitan Sections

A smoke test to verify basic functionality 

-- h3
-- class: heading

Aside Section

-- aside
-- class: alfa_aside
-- id: alfa

Bring your best compass to the third class

-- h3
-- class: heading

Blockquote Section

-- blockquote
-- class: bravo_blockquote
-- id: bravo

Cap the jar with a tight brass cover.

Crack the walnut with your sharp side teeth.

-- h3
-- class: heading

Checklist Section

-- checklist

note: this needs to be updated so the checkboxes only 
show on the first paragraph

- And now we're in a checklist

- With some items

- To check off

-- h3
-- class: heading

Code Section

-- code
-- python

for i in range(1,10):
    print("hello, world")

-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: Config Section

Key/value pairs that are passed to the templates 
for rendering decisions. 

These can be arbitrary vs the attributes 
which are defined

-- h3
-- class: heading

CSS Section

Nothing visual shows up here. The section
content is put into the head of the page. 

-- css

body { color: green; }

body { background-color: #231122; }

.heading { 
    border-bottom: 1px solid; 
    padding-bottom: 2px;  
    padding-top: 30px;

-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: ext Section

TODO: -> ext
-- type: post
-- tag: widgets/example.j2

This will call out to external processes and return
JSON that's passed directly to the template renderer. 
It's just like the widgets except that the data is
pulled from an external source 

-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: Head Section

This will put content directly in the head
of the document

-- h3
-- class: heading

H1 Section

-- h1

Cut the pie 

Slide the catch back and open the desk

-- h3
-- class: heading

H2 Section

-- h2

Dip the pail 

Slide the tray across the glass top

-- h3
-- class: heading

H3 Section

-- h3

Let it settle

Split the log with a quick, sharp blow

-- h3
-- class: heading

H4 Section

-- h4

Fasten two pins

Tack the strip of carpet to the worn floor

-- h3
-- class: heading

H5 Section

-- h5

Tuck the sheet

Take the match and strike it against your shoe

-- h3
-- class: heading

H6 Section

-- h6

Drop the ashes

Take the winding path to reach the lake

-- h3
-- class: heading

Hidden Section

Nothing shows up here on the page. The section is
for notes that shouldn't be published (though you
shouldn't put anything sensitive in there because
mistakes happen)

-- hidden

This does not render in the page output

-- h3
-- class: heading

HR Section

-- hr

TODO: Update this so you don't have to put
content here to get the next section to work

-- h3
-- class: heading

HTML Section

-- html

<div style="color: red;">This is raw HTML with a style</div>

-- h3
-- class: heading

Image Section

-- image
-- class: echo

This is the alt text for the image

-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: Images Section

For a collection of images

-- h3
-- class: heading

List Section

-- list

This is a basic list 

- alfa

- charlie


-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: Note Section

-- note

This is a stand alone note

-- h3
-- class: heading

Notes Section

-- notes

This is a notes section that is like a list

- delta

- echo 


-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: OList Section

An ordered list

- echo

- sierra


-- h3
-- class: heading

Open/Close Div Section

-- div/
-- class: raw

-- list

- foxtrot

- sierra

-- /div

TODO: Remove the need for content here before 
the next tag. 

TODO: Switch to ``-> p`` automatically if
you don't hit another tag

-- h3
-- class: heading

P Section

-- p
-- class: sierra bravo

This is a paragraph with the class set to
`sierra bravo`

-- h3
-- class: heading

Pre Section

-- pre

this is some preformatted
text to display

-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: Ref Section

References can be added anywhere in the document
they are then collected and added at the end
of the document in the default implementation

TODO: -> ref
-- url:
-- title: Example reference

This is some text for the ref

-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: Results Section

Used to display output from code sections. Will
eventually be automated for blocks that can be
run. The output will be in a pre tag. in the
default implementation. 

TODO: -> results

This is an example of output

-- h3
-- class: heading

Script Section

This section is added to the head of the document in a
`script``html`` tag. In this example it updates the 
contents of a `-> p``neo`` section.

-- javascript

const update_example = () => {
    script_target.innerHTML = new Date();

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", setInterval(update_example, 1000))

-- p
-- id: script_t

Loading script example

-- h3
-- class: heading

Start/End Code Section

This is used to make code blocks that can contain 
neopolitan tags. 

-- code/

This is a neotag in a code block

-- h2

-- /code

-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: Subtitle Section

TODO: -> subtitle

This is like a title section that's a convience to 
wrap a subtitle. 

-- h3
-- class: heading

Title Section

The title section is at the top of the page. It's
not duplicated here because there should only 
be one per page. 

-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: TODO Section

Like a list but lets you mark things that show 
up as check boxes. The `[]`` is empty, the `[x]``
is checked and anything else like `[whatever]``
is marked with the minus state

-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: Warning Section

This is like note in that it's a convience wrapper
that provides a div for warning content. TBD
of if there should be a `warnings`` too. Probably
that makes sense to keep the analoies in parity

-- h3
-- class: heading

Vimeo Section

-- vimeo
-- 786334291

-- h3
-- class: heading

TODO: Widget Section

This will hold JSON data that's passed directly 
to the template rendered for processing. 

-- h3
-- class: heading

Youtube Section

-- youtube
-- _YUzQa_1RCE
~ fin ~