Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Highlight The Current Line Of Text In Neovim With A .lua Config File

I saw TJ DeVries streaming on Twitch with Neovim setup to highlight the current line of text. It made it easier to see where the cursor is when jumping around a file. I updated my [TODO: Code shorthand span ] file with these lines to turn on the highlighter.

vim.o.cursorline = true
vim.o.culopt = 'line'

- I've never been a fan of highlighted lines. They tend to add so much contrast they are distracting. But, I think it'll be easier for chat to see on stream.

- The line highlight I have now is actually working nicely. I've got a transparent background and the line color is very close to the base background. The effect is that you can see the image I have for the background everywhere except for the current line. It's very pleasant.

- The ` vim.o.cursorline = true [TODO: Code shorthand span ] is what turns the lighting on. Using [TODO: Code shorthand span ] sets up the highlight to only show in the content section and not on the line numbers. I like that look better.

Footnotes And References